Donald Angus

Plumeria Today > Donald Angus

Plumeria cv ‘Donald Angus’

P.’Donald Angus’ is highly influenced by temperature. During very hot weather it it nearly a solid Red-Purple 61A.

Petal Shading

  • Top: Orange Red 33A for the center third (base of petal), then white toward the tip. The entire petal is overlaid with Red-Purple 61B in varying intensities becoming an intense stripe on the right.
  • Bottom: A Red-Purple 61A stripe on the left, then Red-Purple 61C with white veins to the right side.



  • Flower Width: 7 cm
  • Texture: Delicate
  • Tendency to Fade: Moderate
  • Petal Type: Wide elliptical, round tip
  • Fragrance: Spicy and fruity
  • Intenstiy of Fragrance: Mild to strong


  • Color: Green
  • Texture: Rigid
  • Leaf Border Color: Red
  • Petiole Color: Green
  • Shape: Oblanceolate, somewhat acuminate tip
  • Length: 25.5 cm
  • Width: 8.5 cm


  • Pollen Parent: Unknown
  • Seed Parent: Unknown
  • Deciduous
  • Seed production: Profuse
  • Branching: Fair
  • Growth habit: Slightly rangy, dense
  • Measured Trunk Circumference: 42 cm

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